[python-uk] Announcing the 9th London Python Code Dojo

Nicholas Tollervey ntoll at ntoll.org
Fri Apr 16 17:16:47 CEST 2010


When..? 6th May 18:30 – 21:30 (ish).

Where..? The usual place: Fry-IT Ltd, 503 Enterprise House, 1/2 Hatfields, London SE1 9PG

Sign-up here: http://ldnpydojo.eventwax.com/9th-london-python-code-dojo

Peter B. will give a quick talk at the start of this dojo so everyone can catch up with where we’re at in terms of the bayesian parser that was "blessed" at the end of the last dojo. Dave K. suggested that we add behaviour to objects and the ability to create/define puzzles. If we manage to pull that off we have a more-or-less finished adventure game. :-)

Photos from all the dojos so far can be found here: http://divvyshot.com/event/IsJtx/ (a photo sharing site built w/Python)

Free pizza and beer will be provided. (Thanks Fry-IT)

Participants get the chance to win a cool book: "Natural Language Processing with Python". (Thanks O'Reilly)

Remember to bring a laptop with Python and GIT installed (actually, shouldn't we be using Mercurial..?)

Looking forward to it,


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