[python-uk] Python-UK Google Plus Community

Kevin Campbell kev at projectcolo.org.uk
Mon Dec 10 19:20:45 CET 2012

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Jonathan Hartley <tartley at tartley.com>wrote:

> Can I suggest we move this discussion to python-uk, so it will be seen by
> those who will actually be affected? I have accordingly cross-posted, my
> apologies. Perhaps subsequent replies could remove 'pyconuk' from the
> distribution?
> For those new to the fray, the topic is the creation of the new python-uk
> Google+ "community" page, and whether it is a good thing, or might fragment
> the python-uk mailing list community.
> My actual comment is inline below.

I'd assume there's room for both. This mailing list is very quiet, and it
seems the general view is it's more of an announcements list than a
discussion group. That might not be the intent, certainly. Maybe this gets
a way to have more discussion without filling python-uk with list noise.

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