[python-uk] Suggestions / best practices for deployment

Matt Hamilton matth at netsight.co.uk
Thu May 16 10:43:47 CEST 2013

On 16 May 2013, at 09:02, Harry Percival wrote:

> Overall, it's both reassuring and depressing to hear that that there's no single accepted way to do it!



> We then start with "provisioning" -- that's getting a server up and running with Apache installed.  Let's say that's something you don't automate, for now.
> Moving onto "deployment", that could cover:
> - uploading / updating your source code on the server
> - writing (or overwriting) the apache httpd.conf / sites-available entry
> - making sure you're hooked up to the (right) database
> - checking static files are working.
> That sounds like a couple of fairly simple fabric scripts, and a simple set of functional tests for checking  static files and database work (and that you haven't killed any old data).  You can do a deploy to staging, run your tests, and then have confidence that your deploy to live will be fine.

That *your* use case above is not the same as *my* use case ;)

So no doubt people are going to have different priorities and hence use different tools dependant on those priorities.

OK, yes there *are* too many tools, and I fear many of them are due to not-invented-here syndrome. But still…. there will never be *one* single accepted way of doing things, and we all do different things.


Matt Hamilton, Technical Director
Netsight Internet Solutions Limited
Tel: 0117 90 90 90 1 Ext. 15

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