[python-uk] TeX Hour tonight: Better Technical Documentation: 18:30 UTC time

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 09:54:01 EST 2022


Tonight's TeX hour is from 6:30 to 7:30pm UK (and UTC) time. The UK time
now: https://time.is/UK.
The zoom URL is

Last week I attended a "needs discovery" meeting organised by Daniele
Procida, who I've met several times at UK Python conferences. Daniele is
now one of several Directors of Engineering at Canonical, the  developers
of Ubuntu Linux, where he has special responsibility for improving both
documentation and the process by which it is created.

Daniele is also a current Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute.
The meeting last week was to discover needs for a workshop he's holding
next month, to help Research Software Engineers improve their
documentation. There were over 20 people there.

I hope that at tonight's TeX Hour we will share our experience of writing,
rendering and using technical documentation, particularly  for software.
Daniele's approach is focussed on a quadrant of user needs.

The quadrant is

Top left: Tutorials (focussed on learning).
Top right: How-to guides (focussed on tasks).
Bottom left:  Explanation (focussed on understanding).
Bottom right: Reference (focussed on information).

The up-down axis is practice and theory. The left-right axis is study and

Interested? Reflect on your own documentation experience, and visit:


Tonight's TeX hour is from 6:30 to 7:30pm UK (and UTC) time. The UK time
now: https://time.is/UK.
The zoom URL is

wishing you beautiful and effective documents

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