[python-win32] Adding attachments to extended MAPI messages
Shayan Raghavjee
shayanr at sjsoft.com
Tue Sep 28 14:31:49 CEST 2004
I'm trying to extend David Fraser & Stephen Emslie's extended MAPI code
to include attachments, but with not much success. It looks like
CreateAttachment returns a list with an attachment number and a pyAttach
object. I've been trying to add the desired properties to the pyAttach
object using it SetProps method, as it's done in the message itself.
In the end, I get an unnamed attachment, with some of the data I put in,
except the <cr> character's been changed to something else, (But that
may be because of the way I'm reading the file perhaps?) All the other
properties seem to be ignored, and aren't there if I examine the message
with something like OutlookSpy.
I've included the test code I'm trying, does anyone have any ideas?
Shayan Raghavjee
St. James Software
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""module to send mail with Extended MAPI using the pywin32 mapi wrappers..."""
# this was based on Jason Hattingh's C++ code at http://www.codeproject.com/internet/mapadmin.asp
# written by David Fraser <davidf at sjsoft.com> and Stephen Emslie <stephene at sjsoft.com>
# you can test this by changing the variables at the bottom and running from the command line
from win32com.mapi import mapi
from win32com.mapi import mapitags
# Pre 2.2.1 compat.
try: True, False
except NameError: True = 1==1; False = 1==0
def SendEMAPIMail(Subject="", Message="", SendTo=None, SendCC=None, SendBCC=None, MAPIProfile=None):
"""Sends an email to the recipient using the extended MAPI interface
Subject and Message are strings
Send{To,CC,BCC} are comma-separated address lists
MAPIProfile is the name of the MAPI profile"""
# initialize and log on
session = mapi.MAPILogonEx(0, MAPIProfile, None, mapi.MAPI_EXTENDED | mapi.MAPI_USE_DEFAULT)
messagestorestable = session.GetMsgStoresTable(0)
messagestorestable.SetColumns((mapitags.PR_ENTRYID, mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, mapitags.PR_DEFAULT_STORE),0)
while (True):
rows = messagestorestable.QueryRows(1, 0)
if len(rows) != 1:
row = rows[0]
propertyid, propertyvalue = row[0]
if (propertyid == mapitags.PR_DEFAULT_STORE and propertyvalue == True):
# unpack the row and open the message store
(eid_tag, eid), (name_tag, name), (def_store_tag, def_store) = row
msgstore = session.OpenMsgStore(0,eid,None,mapi.MDB_NO_DIALOG | mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
# get the outbox
hr, props = msgstore.GetProps((mapitags.PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID), 0)
(tag, eid) = props[0]
outboxfolder = msgstore.OpenEntry(eid,None,mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
# create the message and the addrlist
message = outboxfolder.CreateMessage(None,0)
# note: you can use the resolveaddress functions for this. but you may get headaches
pal = []
def makeentry(recipient, recipienttype):
return ((mapitags.PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE, recipienttype),
(mapitags.PR_SEND_RICH_INFO, False),
(mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0),
(mapitags.PR_OBJECT_TYPE, 6),
(mapitags.PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, recipient),
(mapitags.PR_ADDRTYPE_A, 'SMTP'),
(mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, recipient))
if SendTo:
pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_TO) for recipient in SendTo.split(",")])
if SendCC:
pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_CC) for recipient in SendCC.split(",")])
if SendBCC:
pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_BCC) for recipient in SendBCC.split(",")])
# add the resolved recipients to the message
f = open('c:\\nexsig.gif')
iAttach = message.CreateAttach(None,0)
(mapitags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, 'test.gif'),
(mapitags.PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, 'test.gif'),
(mapitags.PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION, '.gif'),
(mapitags.PR_ATTACH_NUM, iAttach[0]),
(mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME, 'test.gif'),
(mapitags.PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN, f.read()),
# save changes and submit
def test():
MAPIProfile = "mail.sjsoft.com"
SendTo = "shayan at telkomsa.net"
SendCC = "shayanr at sjsoft.com"
SendBCC = None
SendMessage = "testing one two three"
# SendSubject = "Testing Simple MAPI!!"
# SendMAPIMail(SendSubject, SendMessage, SendTo, MAPIProfile=MAPIProfile)
SendSubject = "Testing Extended MAPI!!"
print SendSubject
SendEMAPIMail(SendSubject, SendMessage, SendTo, MAPIProfile=MAPIProfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
MAPIProfile = ""
# Change this to a valid email address to test
SendTo = "an.invalid at address"
SendMessage = "testing one two three"
SendSubject = "Testing Extended MAPI!!"
SendEMAPIMail(SendSubject, SendMessage, SendTo, MAPIProfile=MAPIProfile)
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