[python-win32] Re: getting a list of internet explorer instances?

Roger Upole rwupole at msn.com
Wed Jul 20 18:16:40 CEST 2005

import win32com.client
for w in sw:
    print w.LocationURL

The GUID represents the ShellWindows class, found in
the makepy file for "microsoft internet controls".


"Marcus Goldfish" wrote:
> I've seen some posts on launching internet explorer, but not one on
> getting a list of running Internet Explorer instances.  I imagine this
> is a 1-2 liner in pywin32-- any COM/win32all experts out there know
> how to do this?
> My goal is to write a script that can take a snapshot of the Internet
> Explorer instances running on my machine, pull the urls, and save them
> to a file.
> Any help appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Marcus

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