[python-win32] Visual Basic

Speers, Ted Ted.Speers at actel.com
Mon Feb 6 01:18:51 CET 2006

I'd like to redo all my Visual Basic  Projects in Python ... I would
have started down the Python path from the get-go but was in too much of
rush.  Now that I have a moment, I thought I'd get the help I need.
I know how to connect to Excel:
How do I connect to a VisualBasic project?
I need more help than that though.
I can run a *.py script from a Visual Basic application but I'm not
quite sure how to keep running so I don't lose the objects and variables
I populate the first time I run the program ... I need to run additional
programs using that data.
If I can do this I'll be golden:
Imagine an Excel Macro Start  that does the following:
Sub Start():
    Set form = MyUserForm
    load form
    form.show vbmodeless
    <run the Python module described below>
end sub
Imagine userform "MyUserForm" with two CommandButtons ... "init" and
"getdouble" and a TextBox "result"
My VisualBasic UserFormModule would have the following (pseudo)code:
sub init_click()
    initval=inputbox("enter the initialization value")
    <run the function init(initval) in the aforementioned Python module>
sub double_click()
   <run the function doubleval() in the aforementioned Python module>
A python module that would work for me would be:
import win32com.client
XLApp=win32com.client.Dispatch( "Excel.Application")
VBProj =win32com.client. Dispatch( ?)
class XLProj:
    def __init(self)__:
def init(initval):
def doubleval():

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