[python-win32] python and Windows Resource Files.

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Mon Dec 17 22:48:28 CET 2007

Johri, Mayank (GTI) wrote:
> Kevin,
> The only issue which I have with wx is the size of executable (I blame
> my size attitude to C & Linux for that. I started my carrier as C on
> Linux developer), but after your email I searched on internet and
> found that I can compress the size a lot on that front and thus some
> time tomorrow I will give it a try.

Why would you spend any time at all thinking about this?  I delivered a
non-trivial wxPython-based application to a client last week.  The
(py2exe) setup utility was a single executable of less than 5
megabytes.  Now, if you have to deliver complete releases over a dial-up
telephone line, then it's quite likely that Python is a poor choice to
begin with -- the basic python24.dll is almost 2 megabytes.  If not, 5
megabytes is less than a third of a penny at today's disk prices.

In a corporate environment, where you can guarantee (for example) that
Python and wxPython are already configured, there's no delta at all.

First, make it work.  Only THEN should you worry about optimization.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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