[python-win32] ISensLogon COM Object

Tim Roberts timr at probo.com
Thu Jan 10 19:28:17 CET 2008

le dahut wrote:
> First, thank you for your answer, you really remove me a spine of the foot.
> I have to use ISensLogon for this reason 
> http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsVista/en/library/6ec4ec6d-6b84-44c9-b3af-116589a42b861033.mspx?mfr=true
> today I use Winlogon Notification package to catch Logon and Logoff 
> events.

Ah, yes.  Winlogon notifications were one of the most productive attack 
vectors for spyware authors.  That's why they were removed.

>  Maybe I could use SCM...?

My personal opinion, based on gut instinct, is that the SCM path would 
be a much quicker path to success.  There are several good examples on 
the web of how to write services using Python.  It's relatively easy, 
and there's not a lot of code.  The ISensLogon thing would make more 
sense if you already had a big application that was already acting as a 
COM services, but to start from scratch and build a COM+ server just to 
catch these messages seems like an awful lot of work for a relatively 
small payout.

Again, however, that's just my personal opinion.  The downside of using 
a service is that you can't easily have any user interface.  As long as 
you don't need to interact with the user, I'd recommend the service.

Tim Roberts, timr at probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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