[python-win32] Problem with win32print.SetPrinter

Tefnet Developers developers at tefnet.pl
Tue Mar 1 11:19:02 CET 2011

Dnia 2011-02-28, pon o godzinie 19:11 -0500, Roger Upole pisze:
> I think this is dependent on the printer driver.
> Some use the paper size defined by the the form,
> and others use the PaperSize member.

The driver used is the generic postscript driver (MS Publisher
Imagesetter) provided with Windows.

My problem is that changing paper size in the default printer
preferences UI changes both members of devmode.

Changing the way I do it (as shown before) does not change the paper
size in preferences UI - and that's exactly what I need to change.

I guess that if both fields are affected by the UI then I should also
change both to achieve the desired effect, right?

Filip Zyzniewski

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