[python-win32] Could not load excelAddin demos
Pierre Mallard
mallard.pierre at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 13:09:22 CEST 2014
Using process Monitor I have been able to trace Excel calls to registry.
I found that it wasn't looking for InProcServer32 entry but rather
10:19:15,8501900 EXCEL.EXE 7416 RegOpenKey
HKCR\CLSID\{C5482ECA-F559-45A0-B078-B2036E6F011A}\InprocHandler32 NAME
NOT FOUND Desired Access: Maximum Allowed
10:19:15,8502050 EXCEL.EXE 7416 RegQueryKey
HKCR\CLSID\{C5482ECA-F559-45A0-B078-B2036E6F011A} SUCCESS Query:
HandleTags, HandleTags: 0x100
By moving keyNameRoot to \\Wow6432\\CLSID instead of \\CLSID it does
correctly check for InProcServer32
However Excel failed trying to load pythoncom34.dll located in
c:\Windows\System32 since it wasn't looking there
I explictly update registry InProcServer32 entry to point to
Excell first detects library but upon a second attempt (maybe first
was just a check ?) it restrain its library search path to itself and
WoW64 library ....
I moved finally c:\windows\system32\pythoncom34.dll to
c:\windows\wow64\. Library is found now but still Excel revert
LoadBehavior registry key to 2 (i.e.set addin as inactive).
What I guess is that there are something wrong around 32 vs 64 bits
Any help appreciated :=D
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Pierre Mallard
<mallard.pierre at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello and thanks for your response Michel.
> As you stated I did install addIn as Administrator (I ran cmd as Administrator).
> I unregister as an admin and re-install addIn as a normal user (note
> that still it ask to raise priviledge, I guess it is for registry
> edition)
> Still PlugIn is automatically disabled when I open Excel.
> In Trust Center (Gestion de la confidentialité) the check box for
> requiring trusted AddIn (Exiger la signature etc etc) is unchecked
> I'm not a windows developper but I guess they must be someway to have
> more information on why excel inactivate excelAddIn ...
> Any idea ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Pierre Mallard
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 7:40 AM, mc at mclaveau <mc at mclaveau.com> wrote:
>> Bonjour !
>> Il s'agit d'un problème avec les paramètres de sécurité d'Office et de
>> Windows 8(.1)
>> Vérifier aussi si la mise en place de l'add-in n'aurait pas été faite "en
>> tant qu'Administrateur" et utilisé avec un compte autre.
>> @-salutations
>> --
>> Michel Claveau
>> Le 13.04.14 18:48, Pierre Mallard a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm running on Windows8.1 64 bits, Excell 2013, Python 3.4 and
>>> pywin32-218.win-amd64-py3.4
>>> That might be a newbee question but I'm running out of idea to fix this :
>>> First I ran makepy.py for both excel library and office and have been
>>> able to use excel interface as a com client in python.
>>> Next I have run
>>> C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\win32com\demos\excelAddin.py to register
>>> excelAddin demo (as an administrator).
>>> Everything seems to be ok but when I open Excel I see that addin is
>>> set to inactive by excel.
>>> I also attempt to use the --debug option together with the pythonwin
>>> trace collector but nothing came up.
>>> Can anyone give me some advice on what I could do to make things work
>>> ? Do you know how I can debug addin load in excel ?
>>> Thanks a lot for your help
>>> Pierre
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