[python-win32] Scripting AutoCAD

Josh collins isjoshreally at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 07:30:39 EST 2017

Hello community, please help if you can!

I'm adapting a script that I found online here

I'm trying to change it so that it can open a document, and then change it.

Here's what I have:

import win32com.client
acad = win32com.client.DispatchEx("AutoCAD.Application")
acad.Visible = True

doc = acad.Documents.Open("*path*")   # Document object

# iterate trough all objects (entities) in the currently opened drawing
# and if its a BlockReference, display its attributes and some other things.
for entity in acad.Database.Blocks:
    name = entity.EntityName
     if name == 'AcDbBlockReference':
         HasAttributes = entity.HasAttributes
         if HasAttributes:
             for attrib in entity.GetAttributes():
             string = str(attrib.TextString)
             print("  {}: {}".format(attrib.TagString, attrib.TextString))
             #update text
             attrib.TextString = "success!"

I'm getting the error attached.

Does anybody know where I'm going wrong?


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