[PythonCE] pdb ?

Todd Pinkerton toddp@OrangeImagineering.com
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:01:34 -0400

Hi all,=20

When I load up pdb and try to run() something, the ceshell prompt flakes
out on me; (pdb) prompt gets repeated over and over and over and...

this doesn't occur in my linux python env, so I'm wondering if
ceshell.py doesn't like having it's prompt messed with?  Is this a known
issue?  It makes the debugger pretty useless.=20


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Mellor [mailto:mmellor1@yahoo.com]=20
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:07 PM
To: pythonce@python.org
Subject: [PythonCE] Install Questions

I have installed Python CE 2.2 and it works great - I am currently using
it to build simple models in SimPy.

Here are my questions (probably old ones):

How do I get the default icon?  I have tried almost every combination I
can think of without success.  I moved the executable from the start
menu to the windows folder, and renamed it python.exe.

Is there any way to get around the problem of folder names with spaces
in them (My Documents, Storage Card, Program Files)?


