[PythonCE] pdb ?

Todd Pinkerton toddp@OrangeImagineering.com
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 10:05:14 -0400

Hi Telion,=20

Thanks for your response. =20

No rush on pdb.  Just trying to debug my xml/expat woes...

speaking of which, did you do the expat port?  I'm having some issues,
wondering if you knew of any outstanding bugs there.=20

And what is minishell.py?  It's not in the distro I have.=20



-----Original Message-----
From: Telion [mailto:telionce@yahoo.com]=20
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 9:57 AM
To: PythonCE@python.org
Subject: Re: [PythonCE] pdb ?

I tried pdb on my Console version of Python.
Loading was not problem.
But when I tried pdb.help(), I saw...
sts =3D os.system('${PAGER-more}....

HPC2000 version of PythonCE could handle os.system,=20
but ENV variable and "more" part was bit too much.

Nevertheless, by changing code here and there,
pdb may run on PythonCE for HPC2000
if minishell.py + CmdPy22.exe combination is used.=20

Maybe one of HPC2000 user can try that ... one day.

Simply I can't do everything.
I don't have time for everything and all,
especially if you want it quick.


--- Brad Clements <bkc@murkworks.com> wrote:
> ceshell emulates a console window. Unlike Linux, CE
> doesn't have a console window,
> so its emulated in Python.
> running pdb probably puts the interpretter into
> single step mode, which breaks the
> emulated console.
> The best solution is porting HapDebugger.. it's on
> my to-do, with everything else.
> Brad Clements,                bkc@murkworks.com =20
> (315)268-1000
> http://www.murkworks.com                        =20
> (315)268-9812 Fax
> AOL-IM: BKClements
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