[PythonCE] Is There a Version 2.3 For HPC 2000

Stephen Brown sbrown at skyesystems.com
Mon Dec 1 10:35:00 EST 2003

Forgot to address this one correctly to the group.

I have a Jornada 720 with the ARM processor.  When I try to run the 2.3 
version, it asks for components that are not part of the HPC2000 build.  
If I place the POcket PC file called aygshell.dll in the python 
directory (one of several tricks to get a Pocket PC program to run on a 
HPC) the program launches a console woth the error "import site' failed 
use -v for traceback.  Then a Python error dialog box appears with the 
message " Traceback (innermost last): exceptions indentation error 
(expected an iindented block', \\\Storage 
Card\\Programs\\Python\\pcceshell.py' 98, 3, 'try,:\n'))

Then of course it freezes with the hour glass still running.  I think 
the error relates the the pcceshell.py not handling spaces as reported 
earlier.  I shall try the fix posted.  I am using the pcceshell.py from 
the 2.2+ HPC build.  I have also loaded the files which are included in 
the 2.3 pcceshell.zip but there isn't any specific file with the name 

The dialog box that appears is the size of a Pocket PC dialog box.

Would I do bettter to re-install 2.2+ for HPC200 and simply copy over 
the 2.3 files along with the appropriate registry changes and fix for 


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