[PythonCE] Loading .py files in PythonCE

goodey27 at juno.com goodey27 at juno.com
Thu Nov 6 14:37:16 EST 2003

David Youngblood <david_edi at yahoo.com> wrote:
> actually the problem you have involves another
> solution. I also had the same problem with it not able
> to load scripts if the path had a space in it. so i
> modified pcceshell.py so it could accept it.
> try this:
> 1) in pcceshell.py find the function 'def
> RunCode(shell):'
> 2) now scroll down 46 lines or so down till you find
> the code 'fname = sys.argv[0]'.
> 3) replace that line of code with the following:
> if sys.argv[0][0]=='\\' and sys.argv[0][-2:] != 'py':
>    if sys.argv[1][-2:]== 'py':
>       fname = sys.argv[0] + " " + sys.argv[1]
>    else:
>       fname = sys.argv[0]
> else:
>    fname = sys.argv[0]
> 4) thats it!
> This is not a perfect solution because it assumes
> there is no more than 1 space in the pathname, but it
> has worked fine for me.
> Now when you click a py script that has a space in the
> file name it should load it fine.

The real fix for this problem is, to change the registry entry.
check first under
To see what it says then goto that string under
 (name that you got from HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT .pyc)
And make sure that the "Default" Value name has a string that looks like
"\Program Files\Python\Python.exe" "%1"
Make sure esppecialy that there are double quotes around the "%1".
Then go and check 
and do the same for it.

(My registry looks like this and every thing wroks fine)
For a free registry editor goto.


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