[PythonCE] Re: Using the PPC / Networking in PythonCE?

Peter Olsen pcolsen at comcast.net
Mon Sep 29 20:01:02 EDT 2003

I'm _much_ more interested in TCP/IP than in Windows Networking.
For example, I'd like to install a Python POP server and an SMTP
server on my Jornada so I could avoid some of the control Pocket
Outlook seeks to gain over my mail.


Subject: Re: Using the PPC / Networking in PythonCE?
From: "Brad Clements" <bkc <at> murkworks.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Jul 2003 17:40:10 -0400
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.python.windows-ce
Organization: MurkWorks, Incorporated.
Priority: normal
Reply-to: bkc <at> murkworks.com

On 20 Jul 2003 at 17:08, Peter Olsen wrote:

> Now, the package would become even more useful if I could only
> access the PPC's network connections from PythonCE.  I haven't
> figured out how to do this.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Which networking functions?

Windows networking, aka file sharing, or TCP/IP?

Peter Olsen Ae.E., P.E. (Maryland License 12283)
P.O. Box 410, Simpsonville, MD 21150
"Engineering is the art of using a professional knowledge of
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