[PythonCE] python editor and tkinter

Ajay Brar abra9823 at mail.usyd.edu.au
Mon Aug 2 09:35:03 CEST 2004


can you recommend a good editor to use on a pocket pc for python code?
also i tried to install tkinter on my pocket pc. the instructions said 
to extract the files to the top level directory.
Is this My Device which has the following directory structure.
    My device
             My Documents
             Program files
the archive with the tkinter binaries contained a tcl directory and a 
windows directory. i copied the tcl8.4.3 to "My Device/" and copied the 
dll's in Windows to "My device/Windows/". This didn't work however and i 
even though i copied the dll's into the windows folder, i couldn't see 
them there when i explored the directory...weird.

any ideas?


Ajay Brar
CS Honours 2004
Smart Internet Technology Research Group


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