[PythonCE] Re: Python on Axim v50 / XScale

Brad Clements bkc at murkworks.com
Mon Dec 13 18:04:38 CET 2004

On 13 Dec 2004 at 16:41, Voidspace wrote:

> You can't
> use these with winCE because it doesn't have the normal loopback address -
> this means you *probably* have to use apache, which makes it a bit of a
> heavier distribution.

Uh, how does PIE talk to a local apache without using a loopback address?

Brad Clements,                bkc at murkworks.com   (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com                          (315)268-9812 Fax
http://www.wecanstopspam.org/                   AOL-IM: BKClements

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