[PythonCE] launch external application from pythonCE

Ed Blake kitsune_e at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 13 21:08:14 CET 2005

Also you may need to specify the path to the target application as WinCE has
no concept of an environment.

--- Stewart Midwinter <stewart.midwinter at gmail.com> wrote:

> Darn, I forgot my PDA at home so I can try this out.  My suggestion
> would be to see if os.system() is available, and use that. If Pocket
> Internet Explorer's file name is iexplore.exe, do something like the
> following
> #import sys, os
> sys.path.append('\\Program Files\\Python\\Lib')
> cmd = "iexplore.exe http://www.cbc.ca"
> os.system(cmd)
> Note that your Python app is still running, but unable to do anything
> else, while iexplore is running, if you use this approach.  To unlock
> the Python app, use a different approach, like execv or popen or its
> variants.
> Let us know if this works!
> cheers
> S
> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 10:04:55 +0100, Geir Egeland <geir.egeland at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > How can I launch Internet Explorer from a  python program ?
> -- 
> Stewart Midwinter
> stewart at midwinter.ca
> stewart.midwinter at gmail.com
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