[PythonCE] Compiled version of Python 2.3.5 for Windows CE?

Luke Dunstan coder_infidel at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 7 05:00:50 CET 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeffrey Barish" <jeff_barish at earthlink.net>
To: <pythonce at python.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 3:38 AM
Subject: [PythonCE] Compiled version of Python 2.3.5 for Windows CE?

> Thank you for the additional information.  The description of
> PythonCE-2.3.5-20051223-setup.exe in the release notes says that the 
> program
> registers the .cab file and allows easy installation, but doesn't mention
> that it includes the binary.  Maybe that's obvious to people who know 
> Windows
> CE better than I do.

Perhaps the wording can be improved, but have you ever installed source code 
from an .exe file or a Windows CE .cab file? I haven't.

> I have managed to install PythonCE-2.3.5.  There is an icon and tapping it
> runs python 2.3.5.  I can import wx and Pyro.  However, when I tap on one 
> of
> my programs (using file explorer), I now get the message:
> The file 'xxx' cannot be opened.  Either it is not signed with a trusted
> certificate, or one of its components cannot be found.  You might need to
> reinstall or restore this file.

I haven't seen this specific error message but I assume it is due to .py 
files not being properly associated with python.exe.

> Did I do something wrong in the installation?
> -- 
> Jeffrey Barish

No, I simply haven't added the file associations to the CAB installer yet. I 
will try to do this for the next release but in the mean time copy the 
attached setup-registry.py to your PDA, run Python and then type:

execfile('\\program files\\python\\setup-registry.py')

The script can be placed anywhere though, this is just an example path.

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