[PythonCE] IdleCE

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Wed Mar 1 22:15:22 CET 2006

Brian Brown wrote:
> On Mar 1, 2006, at 11:42 AM, Michael Foord wrote:
>> Ed Blake wrote:
>>> [snip..]
>>>> did you manage to get wx running?
>>> I never really tried.  Every time I look at Wx it goes the same way:
>>> I check out the demos and am wowed by the great widgets/events/ 
>>> applications
>>> it can handle, then I check out the code and find that it is  
>>> obtuse, sparsely
>>> commented (for example code), and generally confusing...
>>> Last time I checked out Wx (~ 2 Mo. ago) things were put together  
>>> better, and
>>> the documentation was becoming rather good/complete.  It just  
>>> doesn't do
>>> anything which would compel me to switch though, and it seems  
>>> rather more
>>> complicated than Tkinter.
>> You ought to check out Wax. It's a friendly Pythonic layer that sits
>> atop of wx and IMHO is just as easy to use as Tkinter.
> Well, there is also our skinning framework - you specify the GUI in  
> XML, but inline python is a major part of it. It was designed to  
> allow sending an functional GUI page over jabber or some other  
> transport. There are a lot of other interesting tools at the project  
> as well: http://www.techgame.net/projects/framework
> Get it and check out the demos.

Wow, looks interesting. With a Python stub on the client program you can 
dynamically serve applications. That all depends on how good your XML 
skinning protocol is of course. ;-)

I wonder if it would still work with Wax... just thinking aloud. Anyway, 
I'll take a look at it.

All the best,

> Brian
> btw, it's BSD licensed.
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