[PythonCE] VensterCE beta

alexandre.delattre at enst-bretagne.fr alexandre.delattre at enst-bretagne.fr
Fri Apr 6 17:46:43 CEST 2007

Hello everyone,
You can check the new release on sourceforge :  

Here is the change log :
- Added venster.layout : a BoxSizer class to manage the layout of  
controls, see the tutorial to learn how use it.
- Added venster.newdialog : a ModalDialog that closely emulates the  
behaviour of modal dialogs but that can be build like any other  
vensterce window.
- Various bugfixes and additions (constants and function that were missing).
- Improved WinCE 4.20 compatibility thanks to Jan Ischebeck.

Bonus : PyCEIde is now built upon scintilla -> syntax coloration, code  
folding and other goodies ...

As usual feedback is always welcome.


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