[PythonCE] VensterCE release - Bugfix and Feedback

Jan Ischebeck mail at jan-ischebeck.de
Thu Feb 22 14:01:43 CET 2007

Hello Alexandre,

Today I downloaded your latest release of versterce 
(vensterce-01022007.zip), which is great !

I just had some minor issues to get it running.

Can you please change ce.py to make it WinCe 4.20 compatible?
aygshell.py in WinCe 4.20 just allow access via ordinal. Below code made 
it work for me.

  SHHandleWMSettingChange = ctypes.windll.aygshell.SHHandleWMSettingChange
except:  # WinCe 4.20 just allows dll access via ordinal

Also the ZIP file includes only MoinMoin.pyc but not MoinMoin.py.



PS: In case you are planning some improvements, what about the following 
            - multiple file support
            - debug support
            - dynamic dll loading and navigation support
            - remote keyboard support  (Host python script, which sends 
keypresses to the IDE on the PDA)

alexandre.delattre at enst-bretagne.fr schrieb:
> A fresher version of vensterce is up on sourceforge  
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/vensterce/).
> Various glitches have been fixed and sip handling is enhanced.
> A control EditBox is implemented in venster.lib.edit and gives a text  
> control with classic undo/copy/paste context menu.
> The IDE is updated (and "englishised") and shows an example of integrating
> HTML control in your apps.
> Enjoy ;-)
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