[PythonCE] General questions

alexandre.delattre at enst-bretagne.fr alexandre.delattre at enst-bretagne.fr
Sun Oct 21 16:19:17 CEST 2007


by USB Master, I guess you mean USB Host, some Acer models like my  
n321 have this feature so you can plug an usb stick or hard disk to  
access data.

As far as I know, communications with PythonCE can be made :

  - by network, using the standard socket module (useful for wifi)
  - by serial port, using the port of pyserial, ceserial  
(http://www.problemboard.com/dl/ceserial.zip), this works for real  
serial port and bluetooth serial port profile.

If you want to stick with USB, I think you should try to create a  
virtual serial port for usb with the driver given at  
http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm (don't know if it works for  
all devices) and use ceserial. Or maybe there's some drivers to setup  
ip over usb, then you can use the regular socket module.


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