[PythonCE] pygame / distutils

Jared Forsyth jabapyth at gmail.com
Fri Aug 15 18:45:26 CEST 2008

i tried, but not very hard. configure worked fine, but during make it
complained about iconv.h some other include....and looking in legacy
versions of cegcc, iconv.h *was* included in the mingw32ce dist....but i
dunno. Ill probs work on it some more this week, to try to get it working


On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Alexandre Delattre <
alexandre.delattre at enst-bretagne.fr> wrote:

> Jared & Adam,
> Glad to hear you were able to cross compile sdl with cegcc, this opens the
> possibility to compile pygame with cegcc, which may yield better results
> than Microsoft tools :)
> Some times ago, I've sent Jared a PythonCE 2.5 import library and an scons
> script to easily compile Python modules with cegcc. I think they'll be
> useful for compiling pygame.
> (Btw, I have a working PIL port built this way that I'll be happy to put
> online soon)
> Jared, did you manage to compile SDL_Image on top of SDL ?
> I think it's the only extra dll that is needed by pygame to work.
> I remember that when compiling with embedded vc++ this dll was compiled
> almost out of the box since the low level calls were handled by SDL so no
> porting was required.
> Would be cool to have SDL_Mixer too.
> Best regards,
> Alexandre
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