[PythonCE] reading GPS?

Christopher Fairbairn christopher at christec.co.nz
Wed Jul 9 03:27:29 CEST 2008


On Wed  9/07/08 12:58 , Justin Mitchell gmane at justinmitchell.net sent:
> Thanks for the info. I think the serial approach would suit me better. 
> However... I don't think the GPS control panel exists on my phone (there 
> was no GPS Settings registry key). I wonder if MS removed it in WM 6.1.
> Do you know if these settings can be specified manually?

Sorry I didn't switch gears between Windows Mobile Standard and Windows Mobile
Professional before posting.

Indeed Windows Mobile Standard (i.e. Smartphone) devices do not have the GPS
settings app.  This is a feature present within Windwos Mobile Professional or
Classic (commonly refered to as Pocket PC) devices.

If you have installed the Windows Mobile SDK on your PC there is a executable
called settings.exe available within C:\Program Files\Windows Mobile 6
SDK\Tools\GPS (or equivalent path on your machine) which provides a similiar
feature once you've transfered it to your phone.

I am not familair with the make/model of phone you are using, but perhaps the
following thread will also be of help you determine the correct COM port for your
device -

Hope this helps,
Christopher Fairbairn

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