[Python.NET] Several patches to improve compilation with Mono

Barton barton at BCDesignsWell.com
Sun May 8 10:33:57 CEST 2011

Much appreciated! I'll get these applied to the subversion just as soon 
as I get a little free time.
Thank you very much,

On 5/4/2011 6:24 AM, Philip Lorenz wrote:
> Hi,
> after trying to compile Python for .NET on ArchLinux x86_64 I have run
> into several issues which the attached patches fix:
> 1. Enable Mono config file loading. Otherwise a Python build with UCS4
> Unicode strings does not work as the Mono.Posix module cannot find
> msvcrt (which is mapped to libc in Mono's config files).
> 2. Python.Runtime.dll.config is missing mappings for Python 2.7
> 3. The architecture detection code in the Makefile did not work
> correctly (checking for the 86 substring is true for both x86 as well as
> x86_64 targets).
> 4. I have renamed the clrmodule.il target in the Makefile to
> clrmodule_make.il. Otherwise a fresh SVN checkout would not build as
> clrmodule.il is already included.
> 5. Adapt the clrmod Makefile to support Mono 2.8 pkgconfig change.
> Additionally, retrieve Glib 2 options from its pkgconfig and compile
> the x86_64 build with -fPIC.
> 6. Support the standard DESTDIR parameter for the install target.
> Additionally, install Python.Runtime.dll and Python.Runtime.dll.config
> to the site-packages folder so it is found by the clr module.
> If you have any comments or if there are any issues with these patches
> please let me know.
> Philip
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