[PYTHONMAC-SIG] Wanted: Python w/GUSI testers...

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl
Wed, 07 Feb 1996 14:38:50 +0100

Recently, guzdial@cc.gatech.edu (Mark Guzdial) said:
> I was just playing with them some -- it's really exciting!  Here are some
> things that I noted:
> (1) I may be using the urllib wrong, but I couldn't get readlines() to work
> on the object that urlopen returned
  [example deleted]
> (2) ftplib worked strange.
  [example deleted]

these two are examples of the same problem: socket.makefile() opens a
socket in ascii-mode, not binary mode.

The workaround is simple: find all calls to makefile("r") and
makefile("w") in the Lib folder (and your own programs) and change
them to makefile("rb") and makefile("wb").

Mark has also experienced crashes upon exiting PythonGUSI, and so did
I. For now, the workaround appears to be to close all your sockets
before exiting. I am suspecting Open Transport of this, so I would be
interested in people reporting whether MacTCP machines also crash if
they have sockets open upon exiting python.
Jack Jansen             | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl      | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++
http://www.cwi.nl/~jack | see http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/spg-l/sigaction.htm 

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