[PYTHONMAC-SIG] Fat distributions or separate cfm68k/ppc distributions?

Jeffrey C. Ollie jeff@ollie.clive.ia.us
Tue, 05 Aug 1997 08:19:01 -0500


On Tue, 05 Aug 1997 13:55:53 +0200, jack.jansen@cwi.nl writes:
>Yet another option is to use an installer package, but I'm also
>reluctant to do that because these things are rather expensive

Don't assume that an installer would be expensive.  Try contacting
Aladdin and explain that you want to create an installer for a
freeware product.  They may be willing to grant the Python community a
limited license for Stuffit InstallerMaker at little or no cost.

Perhaps the PSA would be able to chip in some money if we can't get it
for free.

>and I
>have no experience with how good they are.

Stuffit Installermaker is pretty good.  The basics are really easy and
more advanced things can be accomplished with a little scripting or
programming.  Best of all, there's a free trial version:


>Also, this'll make the
>download at least as big as for the fat option.

True, but the improved simplicity is a good thing too.

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Cc: pythonmac-sig@python.org
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 08:19:01 -0500
From: "Jeffrey C. Ollie" <jeff@ollie.clive.ia.us>
In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 05 Aug 1997 13:55:53 +0200."
Subject: Re: [PYTHONMAC-SIG] Fat distributions or separate cfm68k/ppc distributions? 
To: Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl>

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: AnySign 1.4 - A Python tool for PGP signing e-mail and news.

Jeffrey C. Ollie                     |            Should Work Now (TM)

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