[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.0c1 available

Bob Savage bobsavage@mac.com
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 15:51:52 -0700

On Thursday, October 12, 2000, at 03:03 PM, Jack Jansen wrote:
> please let me know whether it works, and, in the unlikely event it=20
> doesn't:-) what the problems are.=20

Well, this probably isn't much of a priority at this point, but I had =
two problems.

[1] I loaded v. 2.0c1 on a Mac OS X machine and the IDE launched fine =
under Classic, except the very first time there was a huge version of =
the icon that was on top of everything except the menubar (it was even =
on top of title bars for items that were dragged "under" it after the =
fact. When I quit the IDE the huge icon *faded* away -- very weird. I =
tried to duplicate this but wasn't successful. This was cosmetic and it =
went away so I don't think it is a big problem.

[2] I tried installing the Sherlock sites (or whatever one is supposed =
to call those files) and I was able to make them appear as a channel in =
the Mac OS X Sherlock, but when I searched using them they did not work. =
"Python FAQ" always says there is a network error (the only site to give =
such error and it always gives it), and the other two always return no =
items. I even searched for "python" figuring that would hit on =
*something* but it didn't. (Again, to be clear, I tried the other =
channels, like alta vista, and that worked fine, then switched back and =
got nothing). Probably not a high priority, but I thought I would let =
people know.
Bob Savage=