[Pythonmac-SIG] PythonSlave and X -- new developments!

Ryan Wilcox ryanwilcox@mac.com
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 00:53:59 -0500

Anybody remember that old PythonSlave BBEdit plugin/PythonInterpreter script
Just made several years ago?

Well, I've made a set of Applescripts that duplicate the functionality of that
BBEdit Plugin.

Actually, I wrote -two- applescripts. One will have PythonInterpreter execute
the whole document, and the other will execute only the SELECTED text.

Note: The first time you run either of these scripts you will be promoted to
locate PythonInterpreter. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but I couldn't
think of a way around it. 

Installation instructions:

#1: Place the scripts in your {BBEdit}:BBEdit Support:Scripts folder

#2: Launch PythonSlave (see instructions that came with PythonSlave)

#3: Launch BBEdit and test it out!!


Since these are just Applescripts (and really easy scripts at that), this could
easily be done for other editors... or even for the Finder.
URL for scripts: http://www.autographsystems.com/Wilcox/OSX/RunAsPython.sit

Hope this helps some people!,
-Ryan Wilcox

Who feels happy now that he can run all his python scripts from BBEdit, where
they can happily live with my shell scripts and other utility Applescripts

OHHH!!! Looky this!!!!
    What's also cool is that I can trigger PythonSlave from the terminal too:
        [prompt] rpw% open -a PythonInterpreter testscript.py

Ryan Wilcox			PGP: 0x2F4E9C31