[Pythonmac-SIG] Install problem
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 19:17:59 -0700
I installed the OS X.1 Darwin version of Python ok (BSD and all of that
command line stuff). I installed Numeric 20.2.0 into /usr/loca/ and set
the PYTHONPATH to include the lib directories in Numeric. When I run
test.py in the Test directory of Numeric, I get this error:
>/usr/local/Numeric-20.2.0/Test-282% python llstest.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "llstest.py", line 1, in ?
from Numeric import dot,sum
File "/usr/local/Numeric-20.2.0/Lib/Numeric.py", line 86, in ?
import multiarray
ImportError: No module named multiarray
I could not find multiarray anywhere.
Here is the Python version info:
Python 2.1 (#4, 05/17/01, 18:34:21)
[GCC Apple DevKit-based CPP 6.0alpha] on darwin1
Can anyone out there please tell me what I'm doing wrong ??? Do I need
to install yet another distribution of another python app .. like
imaging or something?
thanks ....