[Pythonmac-SIG] Installer issue - checking for presence of Python 2.2.1?
Paul Miller
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 10:55:53 -0500
I've been working on a MindVision installer which contains a copy of the
2.2.1 vise installer. I would only like to sub-launch the Python installer
if it is not already installer. I need the technique to work under OS9 and
OS/X (but I'm only using the Carbon version in both). Searching for
PythonCoreCarbon 2.2 doesn't seem to work under OS/X.
Is there a preferred way to detect that Python 2.2.1 has already been
installed, that works for both OS9 Carbon and OS/X?
Paul T. Miller | paul@fxtech.com | http://www.fxtech.com