[Pythonmac-SIG] Python for Mac OS X (again)

Aureli Soria Frisch aureli@ipk.fhg.de
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 17:41:11 +0200

Hi all,

I want to change to Mac OS X... I have been gone through the 
mailing-list in order to find some advices on the best way to do that 
but I could not get a clear picture of the actual state (sorry...) 
and still have some questions.

I want to use Unix Python on the Mac, since I think it will be easier 
for me to exchange code/modules with other people in the dept 
currently programming in Python for Linux. Am I right or have 
overseen something?. What do I lose by not installing the MacPython 
for Mac OS X?

Fink seems the most comfortable way to install unix-python on Mac OS 
X. Did you make some bad experiences with that?
Could you compare a bit with other binary distributions of 
unix-python for Mac OS X?
How about installing the following packages with fink:

Tkinter ?

I have been using Tkinter for GUI development and thinking on 
changing to wxPython. The GUIs are not for complex user applications, 
but for experiment-tools internally used. Basically what I am seeking 
is to run the GUIs cross-plattform (I was a bit disappointed some 
Tkinter.widgets were not working right in Linux/Windows). Some 
opinions are very welcome...

Thanks for the time...
Best Regards,

PD: Is there any central info point for unix-python on OS X as Jack's 
page for MacPython?

Aureli Soria Frisch
Fraunhofer IPK
Dept. Pattern Recognition

post: Pascalstr. 8-9, 10587 Berlin, Germany
e-mail: aureli@ipk.fhg.de
fon: +49 30 39006-143
fax: +49 30 3917517
web: http://vision.fhg.de/~aureli/web-aureli_en.html