[Pythonmac-SIG] installation problem?
Alexandre Parenteau
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 09:54:48 -0700
The problem is that MacPython is not calibrated anymore to be checked-out
with MacCvs or MacCvsPro.
I'm able to do it, but I have to play with src/Mac/OSX/Makefile (see below).
In particular, resource fork are not created with the raw cvs. So my
modification assume that .rsrc files are in fact 2 fork files (like the one
created by MacCvs and MacCvsPro).
Note that some other changes are in fact related to Jaguar. Note also that
if you use MacCvs, you want to check-out with ISO-8559 using "MacCvsPro
encoding" (in the preferences) (BTW if people are using the default cvs, it
doesn't have a ISO8559 encoding, but I thought several files were requiring
Also use MacCvsX (machO) on OSX rather than MacCvs (CFM). I'm using the cvs
command bundled with MacCvsX in place of the default outdated /usr/bin/cvs.
Hope it helps,
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Mac/OSX/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -r1.21 Makefile
< INSTALL_SYMLINK=/usr/bin/install -l as
> #INSTALL_SYMLINK=/usr/bin/install -l as
< $(PYTHON) $(RFCONVERTER) -r $(RESOURCEDIR)/dialogs.rsrc dialogs.rsrc
< $(PYTHON) $(RFCONVERTER) -r $(RESOURCEDIR)/errors.rsrc errors.rsrc
< $(DEREZ) -useDF -skip ckid dialogs.rsrc > dialogs.r
< $(DEREZ) -useDF -skip ckid errors.rsrc > errors.r
> # $(PYTHON) $(RFCONVERTER) -r $(RESOURCEDIR)/dialogs.rsrc dialogs.rsrc
> # $(PYTHON) $(RFCONVERTER) -r $(RESOURCEDIR)/errors.rsrc errors.rsrc
> # $(DEREZ) -useDF -skip ckid dialogs.rsrc > dialogs.r
> # $(DEREZ) -useDF -skip ckid errors.rsrc > errors.r
> $(DEREZ) -skip ckid $(RESOURCEDIR)/dialogs.rsrc > dialogs.r
> $(DEREZ) -skip ckid $(RESOURCEDIR)/errors.rsrc > errors.r
< @if $(INSTALLED_PYTHONW) -c "import waste"; then ; else \
> @if $(INSTALLED_PYTHONW) -c "import waste"; then \
> echo "OK"; \
> else \
> *.rsrc) \
> echo $(DEREZ) -skip ckid $$i; \
> $(DEREZ) -skip ckid $$i > $$b/__temp.r; \
> c=`basename $$i`; \
> echo $(REZ) -useDF -o $$b/$$c $$b/__temp.r; \
> $(REZ) -useDF -o $$b/$$c $$b/__temp.r; \
> rm $$b/__temp.r;; \