[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: Python and Jaguar

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
16 Aug 2002 02:29:44 -0400

>>>>> "JJ" == Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl> writes:

    JJ> If people haven't answered this because of their
    JJ> non-disclosure-agreement: please let me know in private (I'm a
    JJ> developer, you can trust me:-). I would be especially
    JJ> interested in knowing whether they've included a
    JJ> framework-build or a non-framework-build.

I've heard the same rumor about Jaguar and Python 2.2.  I don't know
anything more than that, but I was told that it was 2.2.1.  No NDA
here, or AFAIK, my source.
