[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: Which installer to use for MacPython-OSX?

bill fancher bfancher@mac.com
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 14:30:16 -0700

On Wednesday, August 21, 2002, at 01:19  PM, Martina Oefelein wrote:

> Hello Jack,
> Within a mac model everything should work regardless of the =
> directory.
> I think Rudo meant this as a requirement for a true Mac software, not =
> a description of the current state of MacPython
> This is a requirement from the Aqua Human Interface Guidelines (page =
> :
> Always let users choose a specific folder (or the Desktop) as the=20
> installation
> destination. Don't require your application to be installed in a=20
> particular
> location.

You're right about isolated applications, but we're talking about=20
installing several applications, a framework, and various other bits. =
main issue here is the framework. Frameworks are not as relocatable as=20=

applications. They generally need to live in certain "well-known"=20
locations to work.

> and it's a quite reasonable requirement. For example, one might =
> to some "Applications to be tested" folder first,=A0 and move it to =
> Applications software later.
> there are exactly three locations where the user can install Python so=20=

> that it will work: /, /Network or $HOME. All other locations will =
> in a non-functional installation.
> If this is the current state, I would consider it as a bug, which =
> be fixed. This bug shouldn't influence which installation tool to =

As explained above, not a bug, but a requirement. In light of that, it=20=

does bear somewhat on the choice of an installation tool.


> ciao
> Martina