[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.3 - Carbon only?

Bill Bedford billb@mousa.demon.co.uk
Sat, 5 Jan 2002 15:25:07 +0000

At 12:45 am -0700 05/01/02, Steven Burr wrote:

>On Friday, January 4, 2002, at 12:33 PM, Magladry, Stephen wrote:
>>  Our cross platform code is already under development. Our first title is to
>>  be released in about nine months. True 2.3 wouldn't be usable for us at that
>>  time, but this engine will be reused many times, maybe even concurrently
>>  with this first project. So a release three months after the release of 2.3
>>  wouldn't be totally out of the question. That would make 8.6 not even 3 and
>>  a half years old. Our current support of System 7.5.5, released in August
>>  1996, makes our support go back almost 6 years. 3 and a half years, even 4
>>  years,  is considerably shorter that 6 years.
>If I understand Jack correctly, Python 2.2 will be the last release 
>that runs on 8.1 or earlier, no matter what.    Running 2.3 on 7.5.5 
>or any other system version preceding 8.5 will NOT be an option.
>System 8.5 was released in 10/98, and 8.6 came out in 4/99.  I can 
>see that there might be a significant difference between supporting 
>system versions that are 2 and a half years apart.  But would there 
>be a significant difference between supporting systems that are only 
>5 months apart?  For that matter, would you really even consider 
>cutting off support at 8.5?  Because that's what you'll have to do, 
>if you want to use 2.3 in your products, regardless of whether 2.3 
>is Carbon-only.

But which was the last hardware not to be able to run OS 8.5?

I have a 6100 from c1995 which runs 8.6 and I believe all power PC 
will run any OS up to and including 9.2.


Bill Bedford

You can win or you can have peace, but not at the same time.