[Pythonmac-SIG] Python RAD tools

Kevin Altis altis@semi-retired.com
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 10:22:52 -0800

I think you might want to get involved in the PythonCard project.

PythonCard main page:
Look at the sample screenshots at:

There are over 20 samples to look at. It runs wherever wxPython does:
Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Real Soon Now the Mac. There have been some
threads recently running wxPython on Mac OS X and Mac classic via emulation
or a GTK install under OS X. See the archives.

We will most likely end up using XML for the layout (resource) format, but
only after the design settles down. We will also be working to maintain some
form of compatibility with the wxWindows XML resource format to leverage
tools like wxDesigner.

The resourceEditor sample is a basic layout and menu editor.

ps. Dan Shafer just sent me a PythonCard tutorial this morning. Hopefully,
this is the start of a documentation fest :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: pythonmac-sig-admin@python.org
> [mailto:pythonmac-sig-admin@python.org]On Behalf Of Adam Eijdenberg
> Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 5:28 AM
> To: pythonmac-sig@python.org
> Subject: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python RAD tools
> Hello all,
> I'm toying around with the idea of developing a Python rapid application
> development tool, initially just for the Mac. This tool is written in C
> for Carbon, so it is native in all regards and uses the Unix mach-o
> version of Python.
> Basically what I'm working on is a tool that allows the graphic design
> of user interfaces, similar in nature to "Interface Builder"  that then
> allows Python scripts to be executed as a result of user actions, for
> example, when a button is clicked, a user action occurs. The native file
> format for a program description is XML.
> I always think examples are the best way to explain these things, so
> below is the description of a program that displays a window with a text
> field and a button. Upon clicking the button what is in the text field
> is evaluated and replaces the current content. It is a fairly trivial
> example but may make a nice little calculator. :)
> I'm not going to explain exactly how it is interpreted (it's too late at
> night :), but it should be fairly obvious. Basically upon runtime the
> param named "init" is run, which references a global variable "app" that
> is passed to it. Then it just goes from there.
> <project>
> 	<param name="init">
> 		win = app.getWindow ("Main").instantiate ()
> 		win.show ()
> 	</param>
> 	<window name="Main">
> 			<param name="onclose">
> 				self.hide ()
> 				app.quit ()
> 			</param>
> 		<param name="minimumsize">235 139</param>
> 		<param name="title">Calculator</param>
> 		<button name="">
> 			<param name="bounds">* 120 * * 20 23</param>
> 			<param name="action">
> 				textField = self.getParentWindow
> ().getControl ("evalTF")
> 				textField.setText (str (eval
> (textField.getText ())))
> 			</param>
> 			<param name="title">Evaluate</param>
> 		</button>
> 		<textfield name="evalTF">
> 			<param name="bounds">28 * 28 57 16 *</param>
> 			<param name="default"></param>
> 		</textfield>
> 		<label name="">
> 			<param name="bounds">* 159 * 16 29 *</param>
> 			<param name="style">heading</param>
> 			<param name="align">centre</param>
> 			<param name="title">Calculator</param>
> 		</label>
> 	</window>
> </project>
> (if you read that carefully and are wondering about the *'s in the
> bounds, that is to do with handling of window resizing)
> At the moment I have written an interface builder that produced the XML
> above, and a runtime that will "run" this.
> Both are still _way_ too buggy for any form of public release. But give
> them a week or so. :)
> But my question is, would a tool like this be welcomed? Is it a
> duplication of existing effort or could it find a niche? What do you all
> think?
> Oh, and BTW I've called the project Viper. Sort of a mix of "Visual
> Python", "rapid development" and "snakes".
> Kind regards,
> Adam Eijdenberg
> Switched on Software
> adam@switchedonsoftware.com
> http://www.switchedonsoftware.com/
> Phone:  +61 3 6231 3467
> Fax:    +61 3 6231 3476
> Mobile: +61 4 0704 6857
> 47 Molle Street
> Hobart TAS 7000
> Australia
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