[Pythonmac-SIG] Python RAD tools

Schollnick, Benjamin Benjamin.Schollnick@usa.xerox.com
Mon, 14 Jan 2002 07:53:01 -0500

A GUI RAD tool?

Excellent... I miss that from my OPRO (Object Professional) days programming
on the PC...

		- Benjamin

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Eijdenberg [mailto:adam@switchedonsoftware.com]
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 8:28 AM
To: pythonmac-sig@python.org
Subject: [Pythonmac-SIG] Python RAD tools

Hello all,

I'm toying around with the idea of developing a Python rapid application 
development tool, initially just for the Mac. This tool is written in C 
for Carbon, so it is native in all regards and uses the Unix mach-o 
version of Python.

Basically what I'm working on is a tool that allows the graphic design 
of user interfaces, similar in nature to "Interface Builder"  that then 
allows Python scripts to be executed as a result of user actions, for 
example, when a button is clicked, a user action occurs. The native file 
format for a program description is XML.

I always think examples are the best way to explain these things, so 
below is the description of a program that displays a window with a text 
field and a button. Upon clicking the button what is in the text field 
is evaluated and replaces the current content. It is a fairly trivial 
example but may make a nice little calculator. :)

I'm not going to explain exactly how it is interpreted (it's too late at 
night :), but it should be fairly obvious. Basically upon runtime the 
param named "init" is run, which references a global variable "app" that 
is passed to it. Then it just goes from there.

	<param name="init">
		win = app.getWindow ("Main").instantiate ()
		win.show ()
	<window name="Main">
			<param name="onclose">
				self.hide ()
				app.quit ()
		<param name="minimumsize">235 139</param>
		<param name="title">Calculator</param>
		<button name="">
			<param name="bounds">* 120 * * 20 23</param>
			<param name="action">
				textField = self.getParentWindow
().getControl ("evalTF")
				textField.setText (str (eval
(textField.getText ())))
			<param name="title">Evaluate</param>
		<textfield name="evalTF">
			<param name="bounds">28 * 28 57 16 *</param>
			<param name="default"></param>
		<label name="">
			<param name="bounds">* 159 * 16 29 *</param>
			<param name="style">heading</param>
			<param name="align">centre</param>
			<param name="title">Calculator</param>

(if you read that carefully and are wondering about the *'s in the 
bounds, that is to do with handling of window resizing)

At the moment I have written an interface builder that produced the XML 
above, and a runtime that will "run" this.
Both are still _way_ too buggy for any form of public release. But give 
them a week or so. :)

But my question is, would a tool like this be welcomed? Is it a 
duplication of existing effort or could it find a niche? What do you all 

Oh, and BTW I've called the project Viper. Sort of a mix of "Visual 
Python", "rapid development" and "snakes".

Kind regards,
Adam Eijdenberg
Switched on Software


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