[Pythonmac-SIG] python and pythonw in python-mode emacs

Chris Wright caw@cs.mu.oz.au
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 12:34:20 +1100

Running a python interpreter (2.2.2) as a subprocess of emacs 
( under jaguar 10.2.2 built accoring to Owen's instructions 
(TkAqua  etc):

all is well, except we get SetFrontProcess failed, -606 error when 
trying to run a Tkinter program from within emacs (either with C-c C-c 
or from a C-C ! python shell)


changing py-python-command in python-mode.el from
python to pythonw (to try and get rid of the SetFrontProcess failed, 
-606 error) causes the following to be displayed:

original argc=2
original argv[0] = "/Applications/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/python"
original argv[1] = "-i"
modified argc=2
modified argv[0] = "/Applications/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/python"
modified argv[1] = "-i"
-i: can't open file '-i'

Process Python exited abnormally with code 2

(Fortunately, I hadn't followed Jack's advice and cleaned up the top of 
macmain.c yet ;)

All works just fine from a terminal

any advice would be appreciated



Dr Chris Wright
Medical Director, ICU
Monash Medical Centre
Clayton VIC 3168