[Pythonmac-SIG] Running Python scripts without full paths

Paul Berkowitz berkowit@silcom.com
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 13:50:30 -0800

On 11/30/02 1:30 PM, "Nicholas Riley" <njriley@uiuc.edu> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 01:23:25PM -0800, Paul Berkowitz wrote:
>> Later, there seems to be an entire history of everything I have ever typed
>> in the shell! Do you need to see the whole thing?
> No, just everything that sets your path - that's what we're after!
> Terminal does have a 'find' command which you can use to search its
> scrollback buffer.

There's nothing with "path" or "PATH" above the buffer (?) except: stuff
that doesn't seem to have anything to do with my PATH environment:


complete find 'n/-fstype/(nfs 4.2)/' 'n/-name/f/' 'n/-user/u/' 'n/-group/g/'
'n/-type/(c b d f p l s)/' 'n/-exec/c/' 'n/-ok/c/' 'n/-cpio/f/'
'n/-ncpio/f/' 'n/-newer/f/' 'c/-/(fstype name perm prune type user nouser
group    \
                nogroup size inum atime mtime ctime exec ok     \
                print ls cpio ncpio newer xdev depth daystart   \
                follow maxdepth mindepth noleaf version anewer  \
                cnewer amin cmin mmin true false uid gid ilname \
                iname ipath iregex links lname empty path regex \
                used xtype fprint fprint0 fprintf print0 printf \
                not a and o or)/' 'n/*/d/'

if ( ! $?framework_path ) then
set framework_path = ( )

foreach dir ( /Network/Library/Frameworks /Local/Library/Frameworks
/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/Frameworks /LocalLibrary/Frameworks
/NextLibrary/Frameworks ~/Library/Frameworks )
if ( -d "${dir}" ) set framework_path = ( ${framework_path} "${dir}" )
if ( -d "${dir}" ) set framework_path = ( ${framework_path} "${dir}" )
if ( -d "${dir}" ) set framework_path = ( ${framework_path} "${dir}" )
if ( -d "${dir}" ) set framework_path = ( ${framework_path} "${dir}" )
if ( -d "${dir}" ) set framework_path = ( ${framework_path} "${dir}" )
if ( -d "${dir}" ) set framework_path = ( ${framework_path} "${dir}" )
if ( -d "${dir}" ) set framework_path = ( ${framework_path} "${dir}" )


complete nicl 'c/-/(ro p u P raw t q x500
                        read create delete rename list append merge insert
                        move copy search path setrdn history stats
domainname  \
                        rparent resync auth refs)/' 'n/-u/u/' 'n/-auth/u/'
'n/-P/n/' 'n/-raw/d/'


There are various failed attempts of mine in the buffer:

zprint $path

setenv PATH $PATH:/Users/berkowit/Library/Scripts/Python::

echo "$path"

setenv PATH PATH:/Users/berkowit/Library/Scripts/Python::

printenv PATH


setenv PATH 



echo $path

setenv PATH "${PATH}:/Users/berkowit/Library/Scripts/Python"


That's about it. What does buffer do, if anything?

Paul Berkowitz