[Pythonmac-SIG] Let's do it completely different!
Schollnick, Benjamin
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 08:21:44 -0400
> I have set up the finder to show me everything, which is an improvement.
> Does anyone know how I could put a button on the finder that would open
> a terminal, with the working directory set to the current finder
> selected folder? I use this feature all the time in KDE on Linux, it is
> very useful.
>From version tracker.... (OpenTerminal is freeware)
OpenTerminal - 1.3.1
Opens a terminal with the current Finder window's path
Download Now (File Size: 33k)
What's new in this version:
now a preferences dialog.
You can set the default to "always open new terminal".
You can drag folders to the OpenTerminal icon.
You can tell OpenTerminal to use the current selection in the Finder instead
of the current window.
The title bar settings of the "Terminal" application are now respected.
1.3.1: A minor bug introduced in 1.3 was fixed.
Product Description:
When you are working in the Finder and you discover that you need a terminal
window you have to open "Terminal" and "cd" to the folder you were working
on. With OpenTerminal you just click its icon and a terminal with the
correct path shows up.
The advantage of OpenTerminal over other available tools is that it always
runs in the background (without using processor time) and reacts instantly
because it doesn't have to start up first.
The sourcecode is also available.