[Pythonmac-SIG] More proofreading - MacPython Help

Pascal Oberndoerfer p.oberndoerfer@urheberrecht.org
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 18:39:53 +0100

Jack Jansen at Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl:

> Folks,
> more proofreading to be done: I've finished a first draft of what is
> going to be
> the "MacPython Help" in the 2.3 installer. If you can spare half an
> hour please
> read it at <http://www.cwi.nl/~jack/macpython_help/>. Don't hesitate to
> comment
> on anything (my ego is small, especially wrt. writing documentation,
> and my skin
> is thick too:-): text, layout, organization, whether anything essential
> is missing,
> etc etc etc.
> The quick IDE tour is now integrated into this set of pages.

Very nice!

Concerning "Running Python scripts from the Unix Shell":
As far as I know /usr/local/bin was included on the path for 10.1.5 . At
least on my machine.
