[Pythonmac-SIG] Package Manager idea, adding a URL scheme

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Oct 3 16:23:49 EDT 2003

On Friday, Oct 3, 2003, at 16:04 America/New_York, Just van Rossum 

> Bob Ippolito, shifting subjects:
>> Another problem I've had with bundlebuilder is that some packages put
>> "resource files" in their package, for example pygame includes the
>> default .icns file and at least one .ttf that it needs for correct
>> operation.  It would be nice if pygame could tell bundlebuilder (by
>> external metadata or directly) that it needs to have all of its files
>> included in a plain way, not be shoved in a zip file.
> Bundlebuilder only puts .pyc data in a zip file, all other resources 
> are
> included "in a plain way". However, the problem of data files belonging
> to Python modules/packages is much bigger than bundlebuilder, and
> deserves it's own PEP.
> BTW. here is a PEP that is immediately relevant to our (other)
> discussion:
>   http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0262.html

Excellent!  I just scanned it.  It covers all of our receipt needs and 
would alleviate us from doing unsafe version checking.  Unfortunately 
the patch to distutils was never finished and it seems that it's been 
idle for a year.

Coincidentally, the author of pycrypto wrote that PEP :)


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