[Pythonmac-SIG] What's MacPython missing?

Bugbee, Larry larry.bugbee at boeing.com
Wed Oct 15 15:51:15 EDT 2003

I was thinking more of the convenience when working with make files.  I have a workaround but it sure would be nice if it were cleaner.   ...and now I have two.  ;-)

	> The nuisance item at the top of my list is....  a site-packages link.
	> In the same way as we have links in Python.framework for Headers and  
	> Resources to their equivalents in the 'current' version, I'd like to  
	> see a link to the 'current' site-packages.  This would provide a  
	> simple programmatic way to get there without first having to determine  
	> which is the current version and construct the path accordingly.
	> Specialized, and perhaps further down the list is Orange, a machine  
	> learning/data mining library.  http://magix.fri.uni-lj.si/orange/

	(disclaimer: never used Orange, don't really know much about it)  
	OrangeWidgets is dependent on PyQt.. I don't know if you need that for  
	it to be useful though, but PyQt definitely does not exist for Qt/Mac  

	As far as locating site-packages programmatically goes..

	[crack:~] bob% python -c "import distutils.sysconfig;print  


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