[Pythonmac-SIG] Pack Man issues on OS X 10.3.4

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jun 4 17:36:34 EDT 2004

On Jun 4, 2004, at 5:20 PM, John W. Baxter wrote:

> On 6/4/2004 11:38, "has" <hengist.podd at virgin.net> wrote:
>> This gives an idea: would DarwinPackages or Fink be viable
>> alternatives for MacPython package management?
> This machine is a Fink-free zone, and is likely to remain that way.  I 
> have
> no valid reason for that attitude (other than the fact that my paycheck
> depends on the machine working).  And I don't have a sandbox machine.
> I'm not familiar with DarwinPackages.

DarwinPackages doesn't exist.  There is something called Darwinports, 
which is part of the Opendarwin project.  I guess it's similar in 
concept to Fink, it just has a very different implementation.  It's 
very BSD-like instead of Debian-like.

Whenever I end up using one or the other I feel like I'm installing a 
separate operating system, that just happens to be hosted on the Darwin 
kernel.  I find that the easiest thing to do when dealing in X11 apps 
is to just run them over SSH from a real Linux box :)  When there is a 
port of MacOnLinux to OS X, I would probably run NetBSD or some 
distribution of Linux PPC when I really wanted to do the X11 thing and 
didn't have a dedicated Linux/BSD box available...

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