[Pythonmac-SIG] libpython for 2.4.1 on OSX 10.3
Eli Stevens (WG.c)
listsub at wickedgrey.com
Tue Aug 16 21:36:17 CEST 2005
List newbie here, sorry if this is a FAQ (I don't see it in the cached
copy of the FAQ, and the wiki seems to be down).
I'm trying to get Inline::Python (allows python to be called from perl
with very little glue) working on OSX 10.3. I have installed the
framework build of 2.4.1 and am able to use it, run scripts, etc.
Inline (the base for Inline::Python, Inline::C, etc.) seemd to install
fine. When I installed Inline::Python, however, it asked me:
> $ perl Makefile.PL
> Found these python executables on your PATH:
> 1. /usr/local/bin/python
> 2. /usr/bin/python
> Use which? [1]
> Using /usr/local/bin/python
> This python's configuration files are messed up. You'll have have to
> answer the questions yourself. Here is what Python said:
> Extra Libs: None
> Python Library: None/config/None
> Include Path: None
> 1. LIBS option. I need to know what extra libraries, if any,
> are required by this build of python. I recommend this:
> None
> Enter extra libraries (e.g. -lfoo -lbar) [None]
> 2. LIBRARY option. The location of the python library.
> Inline::Python needs to link against it to use Python.
> Here are the libraries I know about:
> Which? Or enter another. [1] /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/Python
> 3. INCLUDE option. The location of the python include files.
> Inline::Python needs these to compile.
> Here are the locations I know about:
> Which? Or enter another. [1] /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/include/python2.4/
Now, all of my entries above (everything after [1]) are just guesses
that don't seem to work (I've tried fiddling with the things I gave it,
and the include dir seems to be correct). When I run something that
uses Inline, I get the following:
> $ perl test.pl
> Can't make loaded symbols global on this platform while loading /Library/Perl//darwin/auto/Inline/Python/Python.bundle at /Library/Perl//darwin/DynaLoader.pm line 229.
> dyld: /usr/local/bin/perl Undefined symbols:
> _PyCallable_Check
> _PyClass_Type
...much removed...
> __Py_NoneStruct
> __Py_TrueStruct
> Failed to autogenerate /Users/elis/code/play/perl/_Inline/config.
> at test.pl line 13
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at test.pl line 13.
In my searching the closest answer I have found is "use -framwork
instead", but I'm not really in control of the code (and I'd rather not
start munging around inside Inline internals if I don't have to). What
should I do? Is there a libpython laying around somewhere that I am
unable to locate? Is there an easy way to build it?
Thanks for any help,
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