[Pythonmac-SIG] Tkinter package?

Dave Opstad dave.opstad at monotypeimaging.com
Wed Feb 23 16:32:40 CET 2005

>> If the older package repositories are now unmaintained, how would one
>> install the Tkinter module?
> The one that's up there should still work, it's not something that's
> really going to be updated anyway.

It still doesn't work, sorta. There was traffic on this list back on
November 23 relevant to this. As it just bit me again a couple of days ago
when I was setting up my new Mac Mini, I'll briefly recap:

When you try to run PackageManager you may get an error like: "Cannot open
: HTTP Error 404: Not Found"

To fix this, choose "Open URL..." from the File menu in PackageManager and
specify this URL:


PM will then open up and you can install _tkinter (or whatever) as usual.

Dave Opstad
Monotype Imaging

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